
Kingsley visit, day 1

Today was the first day of a week as the Kingsley Visitor at Caltech. My plan is to make progress with Anna Y. Q. Ho and the Cannon team (Ness, Casey, Rix) on various ongoing projects, including a few referee reports, a labeling of LAMOST stars with masses and detailed chemical abundances, and look at restricting the internals of The Cannon to make its results more interpretable, physically. We started with a project brain-storm and down-select, assigning each of the team members tasks for the week.

At lunch-time I joined the theorists-meet-observers lunch, which has existed at Caltech from before I was a graduate student. It was well attended, and we discussed (among other things) exoplanet populations, and what improvements we might get and need in the near future. There were lots of absolutely great questions.

At the end of the day, I gave the Astronomy Tea talk, about noise modeling and exoplanet search in Kepler and K2. I flashed some of Foreman-Mackey's new long-period (single-transit) planet discoveries and inferences in Kepler and (as usual) these results drew the majority of the questions!

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